Saturday, January 23, 2021

T UPDATE-6/1/21; 3/2/25

TALKING WRITING, 7 photos, "Image Essay by Keith Moul: Icelandic Coastal Waters," Iceland 154 Southern Round, 157-1, 169, 171, 213-1, 516 and 598, May 14, 2012, online np.  LINK:

TALKING WRITING, photo, Steptoe Butte, WA 327 Palouse 26, March 30, 2015, online np.  LINK:

TALKING WRITING, photo, Iceland 144-1 Southern Round, May 13, 2015, online np.  LINK:

TEMENOS, photo, WA 51 Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, Fall 2011, not sure if online or print; link lost: 

TEMENOS, photo, A Balancing Act: WA 251-1 Asotin County US 12; A Barn Hangs on, Spring 2014, p.3 print; 

TEMENOS, 3 photos, Urban Design 7 Argentina 646-1 Buenos Aires; CA 148-1 SF; NV 163-1 Las Vegas, Winter 2013, online;

TEXAS QUARTERLY, 2 poems, Crow God and Winter in the Fields, Vol.20, No.2, Summer 1977, pp22-23 print.  Both collected in my book Beautiful Agitations from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

That Literary Review, a photo URUG 396-2bw COLONIA DEL SACRAMENTO, accepted 10/23/19; Issue 5, p 69, print and PDF;

THE ANALECTIC, poem and photo, Red Barn, Northeast WA, 1986 and photo, Vol.2, No.2 August 31, 2011, online np.  Defunct.  Both collected in my book Reconsidered Light from Broken Publications, 2012.  LINK:

THE ANTIGONISH REVIEW, poem, The Dream of the Rood, No.17, Spring 1974, pp80-84 print.  Collected only in my PhD dissertation, The Anglo-Saxon Heroic Experience, U. of South Carolina, 1974.

THE ANTIGONISH REVIEW, poem, The Battle of Brunanburh, No.22, Summer 1975, pp.81-83 print.  Collected only in my PhD dissertation, The Anglo-Saxon Heroic Experience, U. of South Carolina, 1974.
The Bhubaneswar Review, 3 poems Curse or No: Scab to Forgetting; Lacking Anchorage; and Planetary Excuse; accepted 12/21/17; 
Curse or No: Scab to Forgetting:;
Lacking Anchorage:;postID=6957479103740682570;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=8;src=postname
The Bhubaneswar Review, 3 poems The Old Sincerities Prevail; Lavish Sun; Prairie Dominoes, accepted 12/26/17; print and ebook, Vol. 1 Issue 1, published 12/31/18, p 20.  Lavish Sun: 
The Old Sincerities Prevail:
Prairie Dominoes:

The Bhubaneswar Review, 5 photos, Urban Design 4: CA 145-1 SF; CAN 48 BC VANCOUVER; CZECH REP IMG207 PRAGUE; HI 285 OAHU HONOLULU; NY 101 NYC GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM, accepted 3/15/19; 

The Bitchin' Kitsch, 3 photos, accepted 2 photos, WA 68-2 Whatcom Home Garden Tomatoes and WA 88-1 Clallam nr Hurricane Ridge, accepted and published 1/1/20, Vol 11, Issue 1, Cover, p 15 and p 21:

The Bitchin' Kitsch, 4 photos, BRZ 27-2 Rio de Janeiro Cathedral; ICE 439-2 N Central Fjords; ID 132-1 nr Pend Oreille Riv; WA 1-2 King SW Seattle; accepted ICE 439-2 12/16/19; Posted 1/5/20, Vol 11, Issue 1, as one of several covers; see at but purchase from magazine site when a link is provided

The Bitchin' Kitsch, poem, Breath Comes Out to Scream, posted Vol. 9, Issue 6, June, 2018, online np;

THE BITCHIN' KITSCH, poem, Mechanics Armed with Righteous Fire, Vol.6, Issue 2, February 2015, p4.  Collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold.  LINK:
THE BITCHIN' KITSCH, poem, Belligerent Action, Vol.7, Issue 4, April 2016, p10.   Collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold.  LINK:

The Bitchin' Kitsch, photo, Atlantic Sunrise FL PICT198-1, accepted 11/9/18; print Vol 10 Issue 1, pp34-35; posted 3/2/19,

The Bitchin' Kitsch, 3 photos HI 443 BIG ISLAND; OR 169-1 PORTLAND; WA 89-1 PORT TOWNSEND FERRY; accepted 9/13/19; posted 10/1/19;

THE BLACK BOOT, 4 poems, Taking Forever; Taking Her Comfort; Taking Pages from Her Book; Taking Root; posted October 10, 2011, online np.  Revised and retitled for collection in my book To Take and Not Have from Broken Publications, 2014.  Magazine defunct.  Book LINK:

THE BROOKLYN VOICE, poem, Rattler Streams on Course, posted December 2014, online np.  Defunct.  Collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015.  LINK:              

THE CAPE ROCK, poem, Sitting at a Rock Beach at Puget Sound, Vol.10, No.1 Winter 1974, p39 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:

THE CAPE ROCK, poem, A Child's Game, Vol.13, No1, 1977, p47 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK: 

THE CAPE ROCK, 2 poems, Taking Turns for the Worse and Untitled from a sequence "The Taking Poems," Vol.20, No.2, Fall 1985, p.29 print.  Collected in my book To Take and Have Not from Broken Publications, 2014.  LINK: 

THE CARTIER STREET REVIEW, poem, Unauthorized Biography, posted March 2011, pp.9-10 online.  Collected in my chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch from Finishing Line Press, 2015.  Magazine LINK:; Book Link:

THE CARTIER STREET REVIEW, poem, The Man on the Bremerton Ferry, posted June 2012, pp.7-10.  Collected in my book Reconsidered Light from Broken Publications, 2012.  Magazine LINK:; Book LINK:

THE CENTENNIAL REVIEW, poem, Tending My Gas Pumps, Vol.XVI, No.4, Fall 1972, p.366 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:

THE CENTENNIAL REVIEW, poem, Catastrophe with Fire, Vol.XIX, Summer 1975, Summer 1975, p.177 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct.  Available only from me.  Revised and retitled Tolerating Fire and collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, to be published by Duck Lake Books.

THE CENTRIFUGAL EYE, 5 photos, Argentina 356 Buenos Aires; NY 196 NYC sewer lid; WA PICT16-1 LaPush cross at your own risk; WA 255-2 Palouse; WA 340 Palouse 35 Steptoe Butte, Vol.5, No.3, August 2010, cover and pp53, 64 69, print.

THE CENTRIFUGAL EYE, 5 photos, MO 383-1 red barn on hill; MO 405-1 barn on orange field; MO 467-1 plastic streamers on fence; OK 417-1 wrecked house; OK 423-1 abandoned white motel; Vol.6, No.2, Summer/Autumn 2011, pp62, 67, 68, 76, 77 print.

THE CHIRON REVIEW, 2 poems, The Hard Rain and Not One Neighbor, Issue 100, Summer 2015, pp103-104 print.  Neighbor collected in my chap Investment in Idolatry, from Finishing Line Press, 2017; Not One Neighbor collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct.  Available only from me.  Book LINK: 

THE CIRCLE REVIEW, photo, Czech Republic IMG406 Budapest Bridge, Vol.1, December 2012, online np.  LINK:

The Courtship of the Winds, 2 photos accepted 10/10/19, CA-62-3 The Sundial Bridge; CA 117-1 SF Playground; 

The Courtship of the Winds, 4 photos accepted 11/7/18: ARG 370-1; CA 223-2; IA 393; AND OR 59-1; posted as Winter Issue, 2019:

THE CRITERION, poem, A Non-Protest Seasonal Poem, Vol6. Issue 2, April 2015, p527 pdf.  Revised and collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, to be published by Duck Lake Books. Magazine defunct.

THE CRITERION, poem, The Misleading Truth, Vol.8, Issue 1, February 2017, p987 pdf.  Collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher.  Magazine defunct; 8/9/20 found link:

THE CRITERION, poem, Filling New Ground, Vol.8, Issue 5, October 2017, p.487 pdf. Collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher.  Magazine defunct; 8/9/20 found link:

THE DOOR IS AJAR, poem At the Bridge above the Tide, accepted 9/14/20, printed Winter 2020; may have to buy to read.

THE FAR FIELD, poem and photo, both titled Generational Ties on the Palouse, Posted January 7, 2013, online np.  Appeared originally in Straight Forward Magazine; collected in my book Reconsidered Light from Broken Publications, 2012.  Magazine LINK:; Book LINK:

THE GRAMMAR OF MIND, my chapbook from Blue & Yellow Dog Press, 2010, needs a bit more exposure.  It consists of numerous short poems, each numbered consecutively.  The idea is that each poem is about the mind as used in a sentence: the mind as the subject of the sentence; the mind as the object of the verb in the sentence.  Thus, the title.  I've selected a bunch I like that may stimulate visitors to the following sites to purchase the book: 



in his mind

the habitual criminal

misconstrued a short sentence


each day of life

taken straight

administers shock treatment

to the mind


do not trust the alter ego,

too frequently changing its mind


when accustomed to the rhythm of freedom,

a brief detention is Sing Sing to the mind


as he fell for miles,

he claimed to have climbed

the Himalayas of the mind


give credit where credit is due:

to poverty of mind


changing his mind, the tenor
tipped the cabby a fiver

Salvador Dali didn't become surreal
until solid objects went limp in his mind

search pockets in old coats
for the change of mind


strip malls disappoint lecherous minds

after thirty difficult years,

the mortgagor pays off his mortgage,

of no more interest to the mortgagee‘s mind



a narrow-gauge mind invented

the train on its track: off its track,

the mind is dubious transport

when sure of itself

but not sure of its audience

the mind speaks in tongues

the mind's North Atlantic

makes room for a new Titanic

a playful mind first conceived

then quickly copyrighted legerdemain

minds evolved as long as

numbers remained whole;

fractions started a tailspin

after a god created atoms

a mind rationalized fission

by exercising price controls,

the mind delays its own inflation

light heartedly

the mind conceived the cello

without frets

because a way had to be found

the mind found the Milky Way

before it fell, the mind was seen often

going for long walks with Pride

with a dime on the earth for perspective

the mind passes easily between galaxies

at birth, the mind

finds itself in medias res

THE HAMILTON STONE REVIEW,  2 poems, Malice and Star Matter at Work, #30 Winter-Spring 2014, online np.  Malice is collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, seeking a publisher.  Star Matter remains uncollected.  Magazine LINK:

THE HEALING MUSE, photo, CA Pict37-1 Santa Rosa Island Channel Islands National Park, Vol.16, No.1, Fall 2016, p.xii, print.  Not collected.  Please order at: 

The Hedge Apple, 2 poems, Spring Tumbles anew from Slush and Unwelcome with My Camera?, accepted about 2/1/20;  Spring 2020 p17 and p49, print.

The Hedge Apple, 2 photos accepted 11/6/18. AZ 73-1 and WA 117-1, for November appearance; 1/24/19 print copy arrived, in grayscale, pp 31 and 65. 

THE HELIOS MUSE, poem, Scars Animate, Posted April 22, 2016, online np.  Collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher.  Magazine LINK:

The Indianapolis Review, 5 photos Doors 1, ARG 644-1 BU AIR CAMINITO; CAN 398-1 NS NR MERIGOMISH; CAN 578-1 NFL TROUT RIVER RTE 431; ICE 738 KEYKJAVIK; OR 191-1 US 101 WARRENTON; scheduled for Spring 2019; accepted 4/10/19; posted 4/28/19:

THE LAMP IN THE SPINE, poem, At an All-Night Movie, No.3, Winter 1972, pp70-71 print.  Reprinted in Poetry Superhighway.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:

THE LEGENDARY, 3 poems, Hercule Poirot; The Loss of First Occasions; In a Hard Dream; Issue #68, 2016, online np. Magazine; 6/12/20 link no good, posted below; Hercule collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, seeking a publisher; Loss of First collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015;

The Loss of First Occasions

Witnessed by others, I have cached words in remote public places.

Based solely on my own assessment, some words today seem sure.

Reliable as my witnesses may have been for their time and place,

many among them have passed by, taking their share of assurance,

merely spoken assurance, with them. I cannot be wholly certain

that real voices blessed real words over my efforts, or caricatures

in league with puppets in the adventure of grand literary ambition.

Perry, Tom, Cameron, David, Joan I confidently believe are real.

Historians of every bent peculiar, record as faithfully the painful


of poems and the more painful deaths of witnesses to history; ideas


chiseled in stone; fiery lava erupted down a mountain; stone wheels

to grind the wheat; prophets; kings, queens, and particularly


And although revising phrases and substituting more felicitous


keeps me warm, feeds me bread, rules me, tempts me to prophesy,

I regret the loss of first occasions, those seconds of only once


the enforced closing of sympathetic eyes and ready, supportive


that mingle among comings and goings I hadn’t expected to



Hercule Poirot

Around him heap countless lies. Even tortured truth will at first confound.

How deny what the book ajar confirms? Which cup contained residual leaves?

Which two of nine suspects could not endure the Belgian fabric’s loose end?

Hercule’s concentric deductions circle to concatenate surprises of his mind.

He concludes the count a swindler. Identified and caught so, unshackled,

the count, tailed by Detective Chief Inspector Japp, walks meekly ahead, to gaol.

When I eat, which I must to survive, I chew on English servility to truth.


The Legendary, poem Hard Dream collected in my chap Investment in Idolatry from Finishing Line Press, 2017; 6/12/20 mag def; posted below;

In a Hard Dream

Waking, I hear rushing away an almost known voice.

I hear my father, Ralph, who could bark, but rarely,

start his loud diesel truck, scatter gravel and leave

for Memphis on his regular run, but he is dead now

twenty-five years (perverse silence): his is not the voice.

Often in dreams I am visited by his father, Grandpa Jim,

deft with chisel and Wisconsin stone for monuments when

builders featured cut stone to embellish more than real need.

Although Grandpa Jim could rant at the “ornery” ways of men,

he rarely spoke above a raspy whisper. Jim is dead fifty years,

that I would not vouch for his voice: his is not the voice I hear.

I conjure these men’s last days to find a likely source of counsel:

one day in St. Louis, without attendance, dad died disinterested,

fatally ill, but mostly overwhelmed by angst and failed marriage.

He maneuvered his truck over scripted terrain, in command, but

without a subordinate, perhaps singing falsetto, but I doubt it.

He fought a Pacific war, starting on top, but often swept below

huge swells, dog-paddling after life and certain entitlements, but

not to salvation beneath the public address, nor otherwise significant.

His doctors, his nurses, monitored his going among hospital gong.

Grandpa Jim had sharpened his tools and hung them neatly oiled

on his cool basement wall, carved and fitted stone quarried near Lodi.

Stones in or out of a quarry may chorus together, but do not speak.

Jim later sat in a second story hallway outside an apartment, with door

and windows open for cross-ventilation; he too not otherwise significant.

Dad wrote a war journal to his wife, who found him otherwise insignificant.

Perhaps in his final delirium, dad called upon his father Jim for help

and the voice I hear are confused, receding words of my own delirium

as fine, even as true as can be expected late in life in a hard dream.


The Literary Yard, 3 poems, Insentient Drift, Prairie Minds Choose and Upright Reckoning, accepted and posted 7/4/20;  

THE LITERARY YARD, 2 poems, Led to Slaughter, Chicago Style and Darling Honey, Posted October 10, 2017 online np.  Magazine LINK:  Slaughter collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, to be published by Duck Lake Books.
The Literary Yard, 2 poems, Of Life that Inhabits this Place; Plains Pledges as Luck of the Wind, posted 4/27/18,; and and and

The Literary Yard, 3 poems, Diana Ipso Fact, The Firing Air, Winter Suggests Bone, submitted 3/3/19; accepted 3/18/19:

The Literary Yard, 3 poems, The Cratered Road to Malancourt, Today at the Pier and Tourists' Pleasure, accepted and posted 8/5/19;

The Local Train Magazine, 3 photos WA 63-1 Seattle; WA 152-1 Douglas Pinto Ridge; WA 199-1 Snohomish N Fork Skykomish Riv; accepted 8/9/19; Posted 8/11/19; 6/12/20 site defunct: 

THE LOST COUNTRY, poem, For Ianthe, More than My Daughter, Vol.4, No.1, Fall 2015 online np.  Collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015.  Magazine LINK:; book LINK:

The Magnolia Review, 4 photos, MO 519 St. Louis Arch; OR 108 US 101 Coquille Lighthouse; OR 184-1 Central; WA 122 Whatcom Home Garden; accepted 2/19/19; post 7/15/19 Vol5, Issue 2 July 2019, pp.23, 100, 114 and 145 print and PDF:

THE MIND(LESS) MUSE, poem, Rending Mouths, Posted February 14, 2016, online np.  Magazine LINK:;Collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.

THE MISSING SLATE, photo, NV 185 Valley of Fire, Posted February 15, 2017 online np.  LINK

THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY REVIEW, poem, Advice, But Recently Perfect, Vol.1, No.2, Spring 1972, p.47 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.  Revised and retitled Child, Advice Once Perfect and collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold.

THE MONTUCKY REVIEW, poem, Impending Weather, Posted October 20, 2011, online np.  Magazine LINK:  Collected in my unpublished chap Shore, to be seeking a publisher.

THE MONTUCKY REVIEW, poem, Map of Scars, Posted October 25, 2011, online np.  Magazine LINK:  Collected in my chap Investment in Idolatry from Finishing Line Press, 2017.  LINK:

THE MONTUCKY REVIEW, poem, Too Long, Waiting, Posted June 6, 2012, online np.  Magazine LINK:  Collected in my chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch from Finishing Line Press, 2015.  LINK:

THE NEW INFINITY REVIEW, poem, Brother, Vol.II, No.6, Summer 1975, p.67 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

THE NEW INFINITY REVIEW, poem, Telling, Vol.IV, No.14, Fall 1977, p.79 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:

THE NEW ORLEANS REVIEW, poem, Moses Descends, Vol.4, No.2, 1972, pp.163-165 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

THE NEW ORLEANS REVIEW, poem, Orion, Vol.4, No.3, 1974, p.216 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:

THE NORTH AMERICAN MENTOR MAGAZINE, poem, The Battle of Maldon, Vol.XI, No.4, Winter 1973, pp.59-66 print.  Collected only in my PhD dissertation, The Anglo-Saxon Heroic Experience, U. of South Carolina, 1974.

The Pangolin Review, a poem Missed Opportunity over coffee, Issue 3, May 2018;

The Pangolin Review, a poem Ideas Relegated, accepted 7/22/19;

The Pangolin Review, a poem Rain of Colorful Ribbons, Issue 4, July 8, 2018, online np; 

The Pangolin Review, Bones Piled by Oracles, a poem accepted 10/16/18; posted November 2018;

The Path, 2 poems, Addling the Conspiracy and Meals Allowed with Some Magic, accepted 5/26/20;

The Path, 3 poems, Dartmouth, Eleanor, Beaver; Down to Earth; Early Workday at the Marina, first notice of acceptance was the publication's proof, Vol.9, Issue 1, June 2019, pp 29-30 print; available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble; 7/16/19 advised that latest issued; wait for PDF.

The Path, 3 poems, One Day in Iceland: May; The Fifth Inning; The Gift of Flight, accepted 6/17/18. 2/15/19 only One Day published as PDF.  6/10/20 inquired re PDFs for all 3 appearances.

The Pennsylvania Literary Journal, 5 photos of Urban Trees, CAN 162-1 QUE CITY MUSEE DES VOLTIGEURS; CAN 217-1 QUE CITY; CAN 907-1 QUE MONTREAL; WA 89-2 OKANOGAN PEARRYGIN SP; WA 153-2 DOUGLAS US 2 NR COULEE CITY; accepted 4/11/19.

The Raven Review, a poem, Ever Improving, accepted 11/13/19; Vol 1, Issue 1, 2019, only np;

The Recusant, 3 poems Consider It All; $3 Bill; Elder Prerogative, accepted and posted 2017;

The Recusant, poem Reconstruction, a Conversation, accepted 6/8/19; posted to my name at this link 2019:

The Recusant, 4 poems Olympic Trail Monday Questions (incl Forest Diciple Stripped, The Beak Penetrates, Midwesterner as Tourist and; Las Vegas, Refuge for a Christian Nation,

The Recuant, poem Ode to Mitch accepted for special group called Millitant Thistles;

The Remembered Arts Journal, 6 photos, RISING PERIL); 6/17/19 ACCEPTED ALL: WA 9-1 EVERETT; WA 66-1 SKAGIT PIONEER HWY; WA 77-1 WHITMAN PALOUSE; WA 139-1 SNOHOMISH CO SR 540; WA 162-1 PIERCE TACOMA UNION STA; accepted 6/17/19; Posted 7/8/19, Summer 2019, online np; titled The Rising Peril; 6/12/20 mag defunct, link dead, print photos here: 

THE RUSTY NAIL, poem, Waiting for a Headstone, Posted January, 2013, Issue 11, p13.  Defunct.  Collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, to be published by Duck Lake Books. 

The Sandy River Review, 2/8/19 accepted 5 photos, titled Railroad 10: LA PICT28-1 New Orleans; MN 107 Rural; NETHERLANDS IMG49-1 Amsterdam; WA 195-1 Jefferson Discovery Bay; WA 203-1 Jefferson Discovery Bay; accepted for sister publication, The River, but posted here 3/3/19, online np;

THE SCARLET LEAF REVIEW, 3 poems, Cowboy for Cars; Life; Matinee at the Eden Theater, Posted January 2018, The Anniversary Edition, online np.  Cowboy and Matinee collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, seeking a publisher.  Life is collected in my unpublished chap The Journal, seeking a publisher.  Magazine LINK:

THE SCARLET LEAF REVIEW, 3 poems, Expected Disappearance; Go Somewhere without Saying; Prerogatives, accepted 5/11/19, posted 7/3/19 online np;

THE SCRAMBLER, poem, Plural Loneliness, Posted June 2014, online np.  Collected as Leave It in my chap Investment in Idolatry from Finishing Line Press, 2017.  Revised and retitled Plural Loneliness, collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.  6/12/20 magazine defunct; re-print poem here:

Plural Loneliness

Through years, each day this mailman

(unpaid) lay wreathes at lovers’ feet--

sentimental offerings to pink,

washed feet, now past dancing.

For he never knew how to dance,

never sought that pleasure in whirls,

unless around romantic ideas of love,

not adept at happiness by force: he

was clever, true, but not so felicitous.

He had squandered early attempts at love:

over and over he could not achieve conclusion:

the loneliness (plural) of inadequate efforts,

the foul corruption of escaping gas, it seemed.

More aromas: all perfumed, stifled little sneezes.

There were engines stinking of fumes too

(pall overwhelmed the entire track),

the race was long, drivers rallied and fell back

as the winner glistened leading the pack.


THE SEATTLE TIMES, poem, All at a Moment, November 11, 1979, p.11 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:  

THE SEWANEE REVIEW, 2 poems, Two Old English Elegies, The Seafarer and The Wanderer, Vol.LXXXI, No.3, Summer, July-September 1973, pp.626-639 print.  Collected only in my PhD dissertation, The Anglo-Saxon Heroic Experience, U. of South Carolina, 1974.

THE SMOKING POET, 2 poems, Everywhere Extolled and Dress Warmly, Posted Issue 23, Fall/Winter 2012-2013, online npp.  Defunct.  Everywhere collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015; Dress Warmly retitled Dress Warmly Still and collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.  Book LINK:;  posted 6/13/20:

Everywhere Extolled

He went among branch debris,

kept close lessons learned

so often mending the fence:

about danger to her, distracted;

about deer after succulent leaves

and blooms; about fractures

weakening whole trees, that,

shrieking, make gapes in the fence.

He had known six seasons of stiff winds.

He knew, without doubt,

of his right to silence:

among his neighbors

it was everywhere extolled.

THE SOUTH CAROLINA REVIEW, poem, Anatomy of Morning, Vol.6, No.1, November 1973, p.55 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

The Sprout Club, a photo, AZ 152-1 Petrified Forest, accepted 11/29/19; posted 12/29/19, Issue 2 cover; and

The Sunlight Press, poem Considering Folds; accepted 10/16/19; posted 4/16/20;

The Sunstone Review, poem, Basking, Vol.4, No.4, 1975, p.47 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

The Tulane Review, a photo Plants 3, WA 213-2 Whatcom Leaves, on 11/28/18; 2/21/19 not yet; printed as “Perfect Alignment” in Fall 2018, p21; printed version available at 

THE WAGON MAGAZINE, 3 poems, A Crystal Fountain; In Service to History; Ravenous Chicks, posted 9/15/18, pp 35-37; All collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher.

THE WATERFRONT REVIEW, poem, The Month of the Iris, Vol.1. No.2, Summer 1976, p.47 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

The Wayfarer, 2 poems, Rust Honors a Bloom and Shorebirds off the Salish Sea, accepted 2/5/19; 3/17/19 proofs; unc date posted Spring 2019, unc page numbers; to order:

The Weekly Degree (assoc. W/ Thirty-West Publishing), 5 photos, RIV MOVES 1 9/5/19 ACCEPTED ALL 5: ARG 360-1 EL TIGRE; CAN 198-1 QUE CITY ST LAUR; WA 62-1 CLALLAM ELWAY R; WA 183-1 CHELAN US 2 WENATCHEE; WA 204-1 KLICKITAT CO COLUMBIA GORGE; posted 9/8/19, Rivers Moving, online np;

The Wellington Street Review, a poem, Augur of Winter at Home, accepted 3/8/20; posted 3/31/20 Issue Five, online np;

The Write Launch, 3 poems, Habitability; Once More Crouching at the Door; Sky Too Large to Know (revised and renamed Diminishing Shadow in the Big Sky; accepted 10/15/19; posted 12/4/19 December Poetry Issue, online np;

THE WRITE ROOM, 3 poems, A Period of Inattention; Photo Expedition; Refuge, Posted September 15, 2010, online npp.  Defunct.  Period and Photo collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015; Refuge is uncollected.  LINK:

A Period of Inattention

for Sylvia

Some time passes that, to the mind,

is void of all events; and whether

I intended to wait ten years or not, I did.

But now I understand that millions born

have shaped their minds in the interim. My mind

has been re-shaped in the interim,

a time/space world for which no one

assumes full responsibility, in which no one

explains such deep attention to the vague,

from which no one returns

with both hands and mind full.

I do not care how I now affect these new minds,

but how they can possibly keep my pace,

how they will unlearn so little and learn so much,

how they will deal with their own lapses

without defaulting to intransigence.

You may be thinking

that I describe a yellow dream.

Or, perhaps, you think, I have read a bad book and cynically

seek to deceive any to whom such books appeal. Or, have I

finally withdrawn from too many poor decisions

or chosen to forget?

I am fortunate to have my hands full,

back from the Gulag, back from the Cave of the Winds,

back from wandering among the lost tribes,

back to reclaim conscience, and baseball,

back to tremble with the sensors in the mountains,

back just in time for Valentine's Day.

The Write Room, September 15, 2010, np

Photo Expedition

Waiting for shadows (the horizon absorbs the sky at noon),

the sensual kind seducing poplars' waves, I rehearse my craft:

balance common abstractions with the unexpected red;

balance particular corruptions with enfolding blues; balance

other shadows meeting moving feet with the light of desire;

and frame all these cleverly within the depth of ironic fields.

Standing at theater exits, I resist shooting puzzled faces,

contorted faces, happy faces: I avoid unwanted intrusions,

supposing at last that there will be no enlightened faces.

Near Skykomish, slug trails denigrate my avocation.

In Rome, too suddenly a feral cat ends its stalk: I miss

its kill when again the light isn't right. My bus from St. Louis

does not pause as a feral boy tortures beetles in the dirt:

lately, I regret my easy nature.

I inherited a need for perfect intentions, but squandered it

on categories of well-ordered images, on ordinary hands,

flawed, but gripping a handful of partly flawed transparencies.

Nearing fifty, I am ever grateful for clouds and automatic focus.

THE WRITE ROOM, September 15, 2010, np


A child’s natural hatefulness

always shocks me:

as if teasing a struggling toad

were a higher joy;

as if letting air out of the soul

were like letting air out of a ball;

as if other children,

all other children,

were private pets

leashed for new forms of fun.

I have forgotten my cruelties.

I have taken refuge in age.

I have eaten at the hands of kindness.

I have forgiven others for my pain.

Often my mind has been open to trespass;

my child has matured, put aside

most of her childish fears;

our attendance at the feast around us

has quickened the foot

and strengthened the arm.

A child’s natural hatefulness

often saddens me;

as if a large part of me stands by,

alert but ineffective;

as if my breathing were a selfish act

that only I hear;

as if the smallest part of me

turns petty in the face of need,

demanding my advantages.

THE WRITE ROOM, September 15, 2010, np

THE WRITE ROOM, 3 poems, Spanish Cathedral; Thoughts on a Clearing; Drama beneath an Alder, Posted November 115, 2012, online npp.  Defunct.  Spanish Cathedral collected in my chap Investment in Idolatry from Finishing Line Press, 2017.  Thoughts on a Clearing is collected in my chap Naked Among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015.  Drama is uncollected.  Books LINKS:

Spanish Cathedral

No ceremony abets the spires;

they must stand on their own history.

A few minutes the bells are quiet;

their peal rumbles in the hills, however.

A wedding earlier has ended; white rose petals

trail on the breeze marking its dispersion.

No decorative crepe on the last tree

in the square; no crowds shuffle through the door

into the cool shade of the sanctuary.

For tourists like me, entry here is pedestrian only.

I consider the multiple meanings of the word:

depart on foot, observe this mundane life

circumscribed by eternal redundancy,

carry away with me buyer’s Spanish, amigo.

Claim whatever beliefs you wish,

admire the Moorish arches, do not fear

an unforgotten burden of inquisition.

THE WRITE ROOM, November 15, 2012, np

Thoughts on a Clearing

From my open window

I hear before I see

the doe and fawn

come through the woods

toward the clearing.

As one alert

to danger, she stands and looks,

then, in danger, eats

from among abundant leaves.

The fawn accrues this knowledge.

My new fence denies the doe

remembered excellent repasts

and ancient routes inherited.

Minutes of staring, caution,

with mouths full,

before they turn back

to the darker woods.

Inside my fence is my place;

I do not eat my lush vegetation.

I see before I hear their going,

or, maybe I do not hear

their returning to their world’s

dangerous woods.

THE WRITE ROOM, November 15, 2012 np

Drama beneath an Alder

I stand beneath the alder tree,


Wind stirs a bit, then more.

I watch the last leaf of its season


and wind bulls in for winter,

grabs my shoulder, twists

me hard to the ground.

The new season shivers me

but my respect is unshaken.

THE WRITE ROOM, November 15, 2012, np

THE WRITING DISORDER, 3 poems, Alternative Pornographies; An Archaeologist; Thudding Night Rain, Posted Fall, 2012, online np.  Alternative and Archaeologist are collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.  Thudding is not collected.  Magazine LINK:

THE WRITING DISORDER, 15 photos, Dilapidation: 15 Photos, MO 249-1 SE; OK 415-1; OK 421-1; OR 112-1 SR 140 Beatty; OR 113-2 SR 140 Beatty; OR 116-2 SR 140 Beatty; OR 123-1 SR 140 nr Lakeview; OR 177-1 US 101 Garibaldi; OR 181 Central; OR 184 Central; OR 192-1 US 101 Warrenton; OR 88-2 US 97 Crescent; OR 89-2 US 97 Crescent; OR 126-1 off US 101 N. of Pacific City; OR 24-1 I205 WilsonvillePosted Fall, 2012, online npp.  LINK:

THE WRITING DISORDER, 15 photos of Redding CA Turtle Bay Sundial Bridge, Posted Spring 2014, Issue 5.1, online npp.  LINK:

Third Wednesday, 3 photos, AZ 201-1BW Sedona; ICE 150-1BW So Round; OR 184-1BW Central; accepted 2/28/20; Ice 150-1bw printed Vol.XIIIm No.4, Autumn 2020 p80; others Vol XIII, No.1 Winter 2021, pp16 and 53; print.o

THIRD WEDNESDAY, poem, Neighbor, Spring 2011, p.90 print.  Collected in my chap
 Naked among Possibilities 
from Kelsay Books, 2015.  LINK: 

THIRD WEDNESDAY, poem, Cast Out the Dead, Summer 2010, p.7 print.  Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012.  Defunct; available only from me.

THIRD WEDNESDAY, photo, Prospering at Peace Arch WA 207 Blaine, Fall 2011 p.65 print.  Reprinted here:

THIRD WEDNESDAY, photo, Defaced Pear WA 22 Home Garden, Winter 2012, p.77 print.  Reprinted here:

THIRD WEDNESDAY, 3 poem, Cat of My Heart; One Cat of Many; Pride of Lions, Vol.VIII, No.3, 2015, pp.95-97 print.  Cat of My Heart collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, seeking a publisher.  One Cat and Pride have not been collected.

THIRD WEDNESDAY, poem, My 70th Year, Vol.X, No.3, Summer 2017, p.10 print.  Collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, seeking a publisher.

THIS LITERARY MAGAZINE, 5 photos, Argentina 371-1 Buenos Aires; Argentina 595 Buenos Aires Caminito District; Argentina 598 Buenos Aires Museo de la Paison Poquense; Argentina 622 Buenos Aires Caminito District; Argentina 649 Buenos Aires.  Magazine defunct; not certain if ever published, so printed here:

TIDAL BASIN REVIEW, poem, Universe of the Ants, a Ticklish Tale, Winter, 2015 p.96 pdf.  Collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.  Magazine LINK:

TIMBER JOURNAL, 2 photos, Specialty 1 WA 240-2 SR 103 Long Beach and Specialty 2 WA 244-1 SR 103 Long Beach, Vol.6.2 Summer 2016, pp.55-58 pdf.  LINK: 

Timber JOURNAL, 3 photos, OR 111-2 SR 140 Beatty; OR 181-2 US 101 Garibaldi; OR 192-3 US 101 Warrenton; Issue 7/2, Summer 2017, Ruination, pp.39-41 pdf.  LINK:

Tiny Seed Literary Journal, a photo, WA 233-1 Whatcom Trees, Fall 2019 print p 57;

Tiny Seed Literary Journal, 4 photos, WA 6-3 Home; Wa 31 Home; Wa 77-1 Home; Wa 86-1 Whatcom;  accepted 2/12/19, posted 9/12/19 online np;

Tiny Seed Literary Journal, 2 photos, WA 29 Winter at Home and WA 86-1 Stevens Co SR 20, accepted 10/16/19; posted 11/8/2019 online np;

Tiny Seed Lit Journal, 2 photos: WA 29 Whatcom Home and WA 233-1 Whatcom; accepted 10/16/19; posted 2/21/19 Washington Leaves, Nov 8 2019m

The Wagon Magazine, A Crystal Fountain, Ravenous Chicks, Service to History, posted 9/15/18 online np:

Tipton Poetry Journal, poem, Cool Spirit, accepted 10/1/19; posted 10/15/19 Issue 42, Summer 2019, p22; 

TIPTON POETRY JOURNAL, poem, Sylvia at Work in the Soil, Issue 29, Winter 2016, p.44 print.  Collected in my chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch from Finishing Line Press, 2015.  Magazine LINK:

TIPTON POETRY JOURNAL, poem, Warning, Issue 32, Winter 2017, p.29 print and pdf.  Collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher.  Magazine LINK: print; pdf. 

TIPTON POETRY JOURNAL, poem, Missed Opportunity over Coffee, awaiting; also to be published concurrently in The Pangolin Review).  The poem is not collected at this time. Link: 

TISHMAN REVIEW, photo, WA 154-1 Port Angeles Boat Haven Drive (grayscale), Vol.1, No.4, Fall 2015 p.53 print.

TOWER JOURNAL, poem, FDR, Fall/Winter 2017 online np.  Collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher.  Magazine LINK:

TRANS LIT MAGAZINE: TRANSMUTATIONS, 3 photos, WA 110bw SR 20 Grain Bins; WA 243bw SR 20 Tracks nr Pendoreille River; WA 321bw Palouse Steptoe Butte; Issue 5, Fall, 2011, online np.  Defunct; photos re-printed here:

TRANS LIT MAGAZINE: TRANSISTOR, 5 photos, Roads 1: CA 216-1 nr Palm Springs; CAN 294-1 Alberta Jasper National Park; CAN 369-1 Alberta; Iceland 344-1 to Akureyri; Iceland 619 N. of Reykjavik, Issue 12, Spring, 2014, pp.6, 9, 13 online.  Defunct; reprinted here:

TRANS LIT MAGAZINE, 5 photos, CA 142-1 SF Pacific Ocean; HI 186 Oahu Honolulu Waikiki; Mexico PICT34-1; OR 110 US 101 Coquille River Lighthouse; WA 242-1 SR 103 Long Beach; awaiting, but magazine defunct; printed here:

TRILLIUM LITERARY JOURNAL, poem, Seeing You the First Time, Fall 2011, online np.  Defunct.  Collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015.   LINK:

TRILLIUM LITERARY JOURNAL, poem, The Western Desert, Fall 2012, online np. Defunct.  Collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, seeking a publisher.

TROUVAILLE REVIEW, a poem, Seed and Fire, accepted 3/9/21; posted 3/16/21; 

TROUVAILLE REVIEW, a poem, Love in the World, accepted 8/22/20;

TULANE REVIEW, photo, AZ 408 Monument Valley, Spring 2011, p.22 print.

TULANE REVIEW, photo, WA 120-1 SR 20 Skagit County Lost Hubcap, Fall 2011, p.24 print.

TULANE REVIEW, photo, Iceland 736 Reykjavik, City Bird, Spring 2012, p.95 print.

Twisted Vine Lit Arts, a photo, Wash DC 9 Union Station, accepted 11/28/18; Fall 2019, p84. print and online;

TWO CITIES REVIEW, poem, Silence of Sinews, Issue 4 2014, p.14 online np. Incl. in T of C but not linked in archive.  Collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.

TWO CITIES REVIEW, poem, Spring, 2012, August 19, 2015 online np.  Magazine LINK:   Collected in my chap Naked among Possibilities from Kelsay Books, 2015.   LINK: 

TWO CITIES REVIEW, 2 photos, CA 144-2 SF and Argentina 655 Buenos Aires, Issue 17, March 2018 pp.11 and 22.  LINKS:;

TWO CITIES REVIEW, 2 photos, CA 165-3 SF Waterfront and NV 273-1 Las Vegas, awaiting; 3/2/25 apparently defunct, see below:

TYPEHOUSE LITERARY MAGAZINE, 4 photos, OR 59-2 McKenzie River, Belknap Bridge; UT 385-1; WA 63-1 Bremerton Manette Bridge; WA 69-1 LaConner; Vol.5, No.1 Issue 13, 2018, pp.92-95 online.  LINK: http://typehousemagazine.c

Typehouse Literary Magazine, a photo, Can 837-1 NS Halifax, accepted 9/28/19; Vol 7, Number 1, Issue 19, Jan 2020, p.1.