Thursday, May 31, 2018


Friends, if you've heard about this new security regulation arising from the EU, you know as much as I do about responsibility of bloggers. As I do not use any of your registration data for economic reasons, nor will I, at this time I should be okay.

See this site for info

  • You can be identified on my blog when you sign up to follow it.
  • I collect no additional data, nor will I without your consent.
  • You are free to unsubscribe, or unregister at any time.
  • Should I be made aware of any breaches, I will inform you via this method.

GDPR went into effect all over the world on May 25, 2018.

Please email me with any questions or concerns at

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


UNFETTERED VERSE, a Journal of Poetry, 3 poems, Taking Him Straight; Taking Himself Seriously; Taking Pains, Posted March 31, 2010 online np.  Defunct.  All poems revised and retitled, then collected in my book To Take and Have Not, from Broken Publications, 2014.  LINK:

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


It has taken many months, but I've finished preparing 2 books for publishing.  Now I need to have them accepted.  I've just done New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold and Voices beneath Winds.  The Voices book has taken almost 3 years; it deals with the people of the Great Plains through history of settlement, resistance and expansion until the present day.

In the meantime I've refined my thinking about the Blog.  I still intend to summarize and/or reproduce my 50 plus years of publishing poems and about 8 years of publishing photos in alpha format.  I plan to create a complete summary document and publish it as a blog entry.  Then I'll note any updates in individual daily entries.  Each January I'll republish to total document incorporating any changes for the previous year.  If this turns out to be too big a project to format in the blog environment, well I'll have to think of something else.  I may also discontinue this blog and start another in my chosen format.

That's it for now.  I'm starting to create my document for the next entry.  KM

10/4/19 addition: my New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold has been accepted by Duck Lake Books, as has my chapbook The Journal.

Voices beneath Winds is being refashioned and will emerge soon, re-titled and expanded.