Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A UPDATE 6/1/21

Abstract TV Magazine, a photo MN 147-1A, Minneapolis, accepted 2019, postd Nov. 11, 2020 online np; http://abstractmagazinetv.com/tag/keith-moul/
Amsterdam Quarterly, 3 photos, AZ 252-1 SR 98; CA 1-1 SF; Netherlands IMG49-3 Amsterdam; accepted 8/4/19; 2019 Yearbook, pp110-111, print.
Apeiron Review, a photo IRON AGE RUST, WA 77-1 WHATCOM SEMIAHMOO, accepted 1/26/20;
Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene, by Doug Holder, a review of my chapbook The Journal, posted 11/12/19 online np; http://dougholder.blogspot.com/2019/11/keith-mouls-journal.html
Cirque, a photo, OR 190-1 Multnomah Falls, accepted 3/1/19; accepted 1/21/20 for release in print issue.
Colere, accepted a poem Drops of Water in the world, 6/17/19; Issue 19, 2019, p.37 print; https://www.coldmountainreview.org/issues/spring-summer-2019

Courtship of Winds, 2 photos, CA 62-3 Redding Sundial and CA 117-1 SR Playground, accepted 10/10/19; Posted 1/9/20, Winter 2020, online np; https://www.thecourtshipofwinds.org/keith-moul-5;
Crack the Spine, photo WA 126-1 Lincoln US 2, posted 12/4/19, Issue 256 online Cover; http://www.crackthespine.com/2019/11/issue-256.html; https://www.thecourtshipofwinds.org/keith-moul-6
Cyberwit.net, book reprint of 2012 Red Ochre Press Beautiful Agitation, accepted 1/2/20;
Deluge, a photo ARG 631-1 Caminito District, accepted 9/18/19; Issue Fall 2019 p 92 print and PDF; http://www.delugejournal.com/uploads/3/4/8/8/34888906/deluge_5.1_final.pdf
Dime Show Review, a poem, At a Small Cafe, in Need of Direction, published 6/12/19 online, will be re-printed in anthology, to be released week of 12/15/19; posted 12/15/19 https://www.dimeshowreview.com/at-a-small-cafe-in-need-of-direction-by-keith-moul/
Flint Hills Rev (assoc w/ Bluestem), a photo Grayscale 14-1, OR 37-2 SILVERTON GARDEN, accepted 4/26/19; 12/3/19 Issue 24, back cover print; https://www.facebook.com/pg/Flinthillsreview/about/?ref=page_internal

Glint Literary Journal, 2 photos, Shadows and Gear, OR 12-1 Clackamas, and Thirst? No Wait, OR 148-1 Portland, accepted 6/27/19, posted 12/27/19; https://glintjournal.wordpress.com/glint-10-archives/
Mason Street, a poem, Home Alone, accepted 9/12/19;
Memoryhouse, a poem, Voices beneath the Winds, accepted 11/28/19; posted 2/29/20, Rattle Issue #29, Autumn 2019, p40 print and online; https://chicagomemoryhouse.files.wordpress.com/2020/02/body_f19_rattle_spreads.pdf
Minute Magazine, 2 photos, MT 159-3 Cabinet Gorge Hydro and MT 186-2 Plains Old Schoolhouse, accepted 10/24/19; posted 11/9/19, Issue 9, November 2019, online np; https://minutemagazine.org/keith-moul/
Our Day's Encounter, a photo, reprint from Reconsidered Light, accepted 2/3/19; Seattle Northgate trees, posted 10/27/19 https://adaysencounter.wordpress.com/2019/10/27/2483/#jp-carousel-2484; Spokane WA tree, posted 3/14/20 https://adaysencounter.wordpress.com/2020/03/14/2710/; Portland Lock, posted 4/20/19 https://adaysencounter.wordpress.com/2019/04/20/2473/
Panoplyzine, a poem, Warren's Weathered Barn, accepted 11/29/19; Posted 1/3/20, Winter 2020, online np; https://panoplyzine.com/warrens-weathered-barn-keith-moul/
Paragon Journal, 7 photos, LAND LIGHT WONDER 4: AZ 203; AZ 275-1 ANTELOPE CNYN; AZ 420-1 MONUMENT VAL; OR 16-1 SILVERTON; OR 153-3bw PORTLAND; UT 368 CAPITOL REEF NP; WASH DC 80-1, accepted 1/29/20;
Quail Bell Magazine, a poem, No "Off" for Stars, accepted 7/15/19; posted 10/14/19 online np; http://www.quailbellmagazine.com/the-unreal-20/poem-no-off-for-stars-by-keith-moul
Remington Review, a photo, UT 266-2 Zion NP, accepted 9/3/19; posted Fall 2019, p3; https://www.flipsnack.com/Remingtonreview/remington-review-fall-2019.html
Saltfront, a photo, WA 33-2 Ferndale, accepted 2/5/20;

Silk Road, a photo, CA 89-1 Powell-Market Cable Car, accepted 9/20/18; Issue 21, Winter 2019, p57, print.

The Bitchin' Kitsch, 4 photos, BRZ 27-2 Rio de Janeiro Cathedral; ICE 439-2 N Central Fjords; ID 132-1 nr Pend Oreille Riv; WA 1-2 King SW Seattle; accepted ICE 439-2 12/16/19; Posted 1/5/20, Vol 11, Issue 1, as one of several covers; see at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm&ogbl#inbox/FMfcgxwGCbLTVgLkfZnGLjrGskPrBjvh?projector=1 but purchase from magazine site when a link is provided.
The Bitchin' Kitsch, 3 photos, HI 443 Big Island; OR 169-1 Portland; WA 89-1 Port Townsend Ferry, accepted 9/13/19; posted 12/8/19, Vol. 10, Issue 4, online np; http://www.talbot-heindl.com/bk_2019
The Bitchin' Kitsch, 3 photos, accepted 2 photos, WA 68-2 Whatcom Home Garden Tomatoes and WA 88-1 Clallam nr Hurricane Ridge, accepted and published 1/1/20, Vol 11, Issue 1, Cover, p 15 and p 21: https://www.talbot-heindl.com/bitchin_kitsch/archives
The Hedge Apple, 2 poems, Spring Tumbles anew from Slush and Unwelcome with My Camera?, accepted about 2/1/20;

The Raven Review, a poem, Ever Improving, accepted 11/13/19;

The Sprout Club, a photo, AZ 152-1 Petrified Forest, accepeted 11/29/19; posted 12/29/19, Issue 2 cover; https://www.sproutclubjournal.com/issuetwo and https://www.sproutclubjournal.com/issuetwo/category/art

The Sunlight Press, a poem, Considering Folds, accepted 10/16/19;
The Wellington Street Review, a poem, Augur of Winter at Home, 3/8/20;
The Write Launch, 3 poems, Habitability; Once More Crouching at the Door; Sky Too Large to Know, accepted 10/15/19; posted 12/4/19 December Poetry Issue, online np; https://thewritelaunch.com/2019/11/sky-too-large-to-know-habitability-and-once-more-crouching/
Third Wednesday, 3 photos, AZ 201-1BW Sedona; ICE 150-1BW So Round; OR 184-1BW Central; accepted 2/28/20;
Tiny Seed Literary Journal, a photo, WA 233-1 Whatcom Trees, Fall 2019 print p 58; https://tinyseedjournal.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/treestinyseedliteraryjournal2019.pdf
Tiny Seed Literary Journal, 2 photos, accepted 2/12/19, posted 9/12/19 online np; https://tinyseedjournal.com/2019/09/12/leaves-2/
Tiny Seed Literary Journal, 2 photos, WA 29 Winter at Home and WA 86-1 Stevens Co SR 20, accepted 10/16/19; posted 11/8/2019 online np; https://tinyseedjournal.com/2019/11/08/trees/
Tipton Poetry Journal, a poem, Cool Spirit, accepted 10/1/19; posted on Amazon 10/29/19 to buy; https://www.amazon.com/dp/1703693493
Twisted Vince Lit Arts, a photo, Wash DC 9 Union Station, accepted 11/28/18; Fall 2019, p84. print and online; https://twistedvine.wnmu.edu/?lang=en
Typehouse Magazine, a photo, Can 837-1 Halifax, Nova Scotia; acceepted 9/28/19; posted 2/27/20,Vol.7, #1, Issue 19, page 1; http://typehousemagazine.com/th/content/TypehouseMagazineIssue19Jan2020.pdf
Vaughn Street Doubles, 2 photos, WA 36-1 Sequim and WA 38-2 nr Sumas, accepted 3/16/20;

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