Thursday, October 10, 2019


DAWNTREADER, poem Chrysalis, Issue 30, Spring 2015, page unknown, print.  I have an online reference, but no link to the magazine.  This poem appears in my chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch from Finishing Line Press, 2015.  LINK: 
This is The Poetry Library in the UK:

DECANTO MAGAZINE, poem Mathematics Problem #4, Issue 57, Feb. 2012, p.79 print.  Collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.

DELAWARE LITERARY REVIEW, poem Beneath the Glare Are Ghosts, Vol. III, Spring 1974, p16 print.  Collected in my book Not on any Map, Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:
Revised and collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold coming from Duck Lake Books.

DELAWARE LITERARY REVIEW, 4 poems, Soldier on the Public Phone; Among the Sounds of this Place; Mid-Night Feeding Time; and You Must, This Is Iowa, Vol. IV, Spring 1975, pp11-13 print.  Soldier is collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012; the other 3 are collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.

DELAWARE LITERARY REVIEW, 2 poems, The Carbon River Road and At the Lake--December, Spring 1976, pp8-9 print.  Carbon is collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, 2012; and At the Lake is collected in my book Not on any Map, Kelsay Books, 2017.

Deluge, a photo, ARG 631-1 Buenos Airies Caminito District, accepted 9/18/19; Issue Fall 2019, p 92 print and PDF; 

Dime Show Review, a poem, At a Small Cafe, in Need of Direction, accepted 5/27/19; posted 6/12/19;will be re-printed in anthology, to be released week of 12/15/19; posted

DIVERSE ARTS PROJECT, 2 photos WA 312 bw Palouse 17 Steptoe Butte, Fall 2012, online np.  This link is no longer active, so the photos are reprinted here:

DIVERSE VOICES QUARTERLY, 4 photos, Vols.2,3 and 4, Issues 7, 8, 9-10 and 15, 2010, 2011 and 2012 online.  LINKS failed, so printed here:

DIVINE DIRT QUARTERLY, poem Without Perfidy, July 25, 2010, online np.  LINK failed, but poem is collected in my book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.

Do Not Look at the Sun: 2 Photo/Poem combinations: Few Cars and Iceland 377 Road from Husavik; and Iron Oxide, My Chance at Peace and OR Nr Hillsboro, Iron Oxide; published 2011 and 2012; collected in Reconsidered Light from Broken Publications;

DOGSOLDIER, 4 poems, 747; The St. Louis Arch; In the Side Section; and Outside, Inside, Issue #1, 1975, pp 46-49 print.  747 and St. Louis Arch are not something I want to reprint.  In the Side Section is collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press, which is out of print and reproduced below.  Outside, Inside is collected in my book Not on Any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK: 

In the Side Section

"I propose that things in

common are much more impor-

tant than distinction."

Allen Ginsberg

The auditorium fills,

in that clockwork way, buzzing

with occasional alarm,

new images all the time.

You cannot see it unless

you are early to arrive

and take a vantage.

What starts

are human minds wrestling with

their faces and their forms, wrapt

in dark anticipation,

not simply of a film, but

a collage of pictures-

in-seats each has paid not to see.

Smoking in the side sections

only..., please.

The last minutes, talk.

Individuals, half-light,

(and here the need to salvage

people from a mass shadow

is strongest--at the same time

know that shadow shapes a mask

that is ugly, or grotesque)

motion, a dizzying reel

of sound in space

and now me

previewing the scene, a last

frantic rush at imaging

humanity just before

light spreads to color and shuts

out time

with life on a screen.

DOGSOLDIER, 5 poems, Spring Purple; Do Not Forget; Finger on the Window; Girl in Washington with a Boomerang; Horses Have Passed, Issue 3, 1976 pp 63-65 print.  Several are collected in my book Not on any Map from Kelsay Books, 2017.  LINK:

Door Is a Jar Magazine, a poem, The Bridge above the Tide; accepted 9/14/20; printed 12/2/20 Issue 17, Winter 2020, p86; available on Amazon:
Door is a Jar Magazine, 2 photos Iron Age Rust and Iron and Wood 2 , CA 72-2 nr Shasta and WA 36-1 Whatcom Semiahmoo, accepted 2/20/19; printed about April 1, Issue 10 Spring 2019, pp 63 and 64; available on Amazon:

Door Is A Jar, 3 poems, Five in a Day at the Bay: Pathetic Fallacy; Possible Parallels; Thoroughbred's Race: An Allegorical Polemic, accepted early 2018; posted in Issue 7, Spring 2018 pp57-61; available through Amazon;

DRIFTWOOD EAST, poem, Visions of a Gull, Vol.6, Issue 2, Spring 1978, p.9 print.  Not reproduced.

Dual Coast Magazine, 10 color photos from The Road Collection, Issue 6 Posted 7/15/18 online np;
  1. AZ 83-1 US 60 SALT RIV CANYON
  2. AZ 213-1 SEDONA
  3. AZ 244-1 US 160
  4. AZ 317-1 US 89 NR JACOB LK
  5. CA 151-1 US 395 S OF SAGE HEN SUMMIT
  10. NV 540-1 NR VALLEY OF FIRE

The print version includes 5 grayscale photos:
  1. AZ 83-1bw as above
  2. AZ 244-1bw as above
  3. AZ 317-1bw as above
  4. CA 151-1bw as above
  5. CA 180-1bw as above

Duane's New Poe Tree, a poem, Resistance, accepted and posted 8/5/19;

Duck Lake Press, book, New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, accepted 10/2/19, to be released 11/20.

Duck Lake Press, chapbook, The Journal, accepted 6/10/19; 11/19;

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