Bacopa: a Literary Review: Poem Taking Himself Too Seriously: print edition from 2011, p.41, but my name popped up in the following New Pages review, posted April 15, 2012; revised and collected in To Take and Have Not, Broken Publications, 2014.;
"For personal reasons, the first piece I read in this issue was Keith Moul’s poem “Taking Himself Too Seriously,” which employs the lines “I am not so serious / that I forget the wonder— / of making amends and love.”' Jeff Tigchelaar Thanks Jeff for the kind remark.
Bacopa: a Literary Review: poem True Irish Geometry, annual print 2016, p33; collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.
Badlands: Poem Beautiful Night for Subs, Volume 6, Fall 2015, p92; both print and online:; included in my unpublished chap The Journal.
Bareback Magazine: 6 Photos "Just Looking for the Light" and Artist Statement: OR 112-1 Portland Lock; Argentina 641 Buenos Aires Caminito District; CA 85-2 SF Telegraph Hill; CAN 62 BC Vancouver; NV 161 Las Vegas; Uruguay 407-2 Colonia Del Sacrament, April 2012, online npp. 3/14/18 all links removed, so I'll include them all below:
Bareback Magazine: Poem Buda, for or against, Pest, June, 2012, online np:; included in my book Reconsidered Light, Broken Publications, 2012.
Barrier Islands Review (defunct): Photo WA 22bw Seattle Green lake; uncertain of date references, but here's the photo:
Big Muddy: 2 Photos TN 282 Memphis and TN 293 Memphis Beale St.;Volume 16.1, 2016, cover and backcover;
Bitchin' Kitsch, 3 photos, HI 443 Big Island; OR 169-1 Portland; WA 89-1 Port Townsend Ferry, accepted 9/13/19; posted Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp 17, 39, 53 10/1/19;
Bitchin' Kitsch, a photo, FL PICT98-1, Atlantic Sunrise, accepted; posted Vol.10, Issue 1, 2019, pp33-34;
Bitchin' Kitsch, poem Breath Comes Out to Scream, posted Vol.9, Issue 6, 2018, p.20;
Bitchin' Kitsch, poem Belligerent Action, posted Vol.7, Issue 4, April 2016, online p.10;
Bitchin' Kitsch, poem Mechanics Armed with Ancient Fire, accepted 12/23/14; posted as Vol 6, Issue 1, Jan 2015, p4;
Coffee Review, poem reprint, All at a Moment, accepted 7/4/19; Fall,
2019, online np; posted 8/8/19;
Blazevox: 2 Poems Deep Stones and Out of the Vacuum, Spring 2010, online np:; both of these poems are in my published chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch, from Finishing Line Press, 2015,
Blazevox: 3 Poems Altered Touch Animates Love, Further Readings of History and Lines, Fall 2012, online np;; Further Readings is collected in my book Beautiful Agitation from Red Ochre Press 2012; Lines is collected in my unpublished chap Bones Piled by Oracles; Altered Touch Animates Love is collected in my published chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch, from Finishing Line Press, 2015,
Blazevox: 3 Poems One-Line Rhyming Poems; "Talking Candy Bar Blues" and Years of Friendly Fire, Spring 2014, online np;; One-Line is uncollected; "Talking Candy Bar Blues" is collected in my chap Investment in Idolatry, published by Finishing Line Press, 2017; Years of Friendly Fire is collected in my published chap The Future as a Picnic Lunch, published by Finishing Line Press, 2015
Blazevox: 5 Iceland Photos: 128-1 Southern Round, 412-1 N. Central Fjords, 427-1 N. Central Fjords, 62 Nr Blue Lagoon and 75-1 Nr. Blue Lagoon; all these are awaiting publication; as of 3/14/18 there is no word of their appearance, so I print them here:
Blue & Yellow Dog: 15 short poems Ways of the Mind as Subject, #91-105, Issue 3, Winter 2010, online np; f; all collected in my chap The Grammar of Mind, published by Blue & Yellow Dog Press, 2010
Blue & Yellow Dog: 5 Poems: Taking a Chance Encounter; Taking Heart; Taking Her Time; Taking His Time; Taking Leaves, Issue 10, Fall 2012, online np,; in this form all these poems are reprinted from earlier magazines; I revised them all fairly radically as collected in my published book To Take and Have Not, published by Broken Publications, 2014,
Blue Hour: 3 Photos Can 346-2 Quebec City Rue St-Louis; Can 569-1 NFL Trout River Route 431; WA 150-1 US 2 nr Coulee City, March 8, 2015, online np; defunct;
Blue Lake Review, a poem, Petroleum, an Investment Opportunity, accepted 8/26/18. Blue Lake Review, poem, Petroleum, an Investment Opportunity, Posted Sept. 2018, online np.
Bluepepper, poem, In Youth there Comes a Strange Spirit, Posted 12/7/18, online np.
Bluepepper Blog, poem, No Longer a Dream, accepted 3/11/19; 3/12/19 posted online np;
Bond Street Review, a poem, Judy Collins, accepted 11/9/20; posted 2/5/21, Winter 2021, p26;
Bond Street Review, a poem, Not at Rest, accepted 1/17/18m posted Winter 2018, p6 online; but went defunct and link lost; poem re-published here:
Bond Street Review, a poem Sate on Crayfish, accepted early 4/23/18; posted Summer 2018, p20. Magazine promptly went defunct; poem re-published here:
Sate on Crayfish
Bond Street Review, Summer 2018, p 20, Sate on Crayfish has been published.
Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review: 11 Short Poems in print edition reproduced here: Number 29, Fall/Winter 2007, pp 95-96.
to win a marathon
Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene, by Doug Holder, a review of my chapbook The Journal, posted 11/12/19 online np;
Broadkill Review, poem, A Private Vocabulary, accepted 7/1/18; posted 10/31/18
Burning House Press, 5 photos, ID 150-1 US 2 NR SANDPOINT; OR 54-2 AURORA MILLS PUDDING RIV BRDG; WA 3-1 CLALLAM PA; WA 34-1 WHAT FERNDALE; WA 556-1 WHAT SUMAS, accepted 5/9/19; posted on or about 6/3/19, online np:
Burning Word: 2 Poems Painted Face and Rebellion Takes Up Conspiracy with Mankind: Issue 64, October, 2013, online np;; Painted Face is collected in Investment in Idolatry, published by Finishing Line Press, 2017; and Rebellion Takes Up Conspiracy with Mankind is collected in my unpublished chap Origins from Careless Words.
Burning Word: Poem A Heart after Childhood, 99 Poems, Autumn 2012, online np; this poem is collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold;
at Rest
threshing time, before steam machines,
ancestors here on our land work hard;
when crops have been seen to, fell
trees for the barn; or husband calves
the growing herd; or contend with wind
guarded nights. Rest comes later.
my time I navigate the plentiful stumps,
as sponges; husband calves to the herd;
recalcitrant winds; worry through dark;
grains and vegetables to market, little
by others who do not trod the land.
evict vagrants and rest when work permits.
Bond Street Review, a poem Sate on Crayfish, accepted early 4/23/18; posted Summer 2018, p20. Magazine promptly went defunct; poem re-published here:
Sate on Crayfish
northern dominates its lake, makes no claim
its pike attributes of length and weight.
it in your boat, never to yield, testing the line,
the net, testing the fisher with a might
excite memories lodged forever in the viscera.
sunny look, the dusky look illuminate its spots
searchlights from inside, burst from its engine.
this siren to the cold deep. Revere its home.
your craft to another spot clear and reserved
the long face, the muskellunge sated on crayfish.
Bond Street Review, Summer 2018, p 20, Sate on Crayfish has been published.
Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review: 11 Short Poems in print edition reproduced here: Number 29, Fall/Winter 2007, pp 95-96.
in his mind
the habitual criminal
misconstrued a short sentence
with her head tilted
a girl sprinkles light
from her mind's joy
what good the mind
without the penis or vagina?
conditioning the body
to run a marathon
does not condition the mind
in the heat of day
cows summon mind enough
to move into thin shade
back roads, not on the best maps,
bring faithful pilgrims to the mind
each day of life
taken straight
administers shock treatment
to the mind
dust specks crowd into
the 60 watts of the mind
The Doppler effect
hears the mind
coming and going
world land speed records
are often set
on the salt flats of the mind
do not trust the alter ego,
too frequently changing its mind
Borrowed Solace: one poem Joy enough to Spin and an interview, issue 1.2, print, buy at website.
Broadkill Review, poem, A Private Vocabulary, accepted 7/1/18; posted 10/31/18
Burning House Press, 5 photos, ID 150-1 US 2 NR SANDPOINT; OR 54-2 AURORA MILLS PUDDING RIV BRDG; WA 3-1 CLALLAM PA; WA 34-1 WHAT FERNDALE; WA 556-1 WHAT SUMAS, accepted 5/9/19; posted on or about 6/3/19, online np:
Burning Word: Poem Guilt by Implication, Issue 57, January 1, 2011 online np;; is collected in my chap Investment in Idolatry, from Finishing Line Press, 2017,
Burning Word: 2 Poems Painted Face and Rebellion Takes Up Conspiracy with Mankind: Issue 64, October, 2013, online np;; Painted Face is collected in Investment in Idolatry, published by Finishing Line Press, 2017; and Rebellion Takes Up Conspiracy with Mankind is collected in my unpublished chap Origins from Careless Words.
Burning Word: Poem A Heart after Childhood, 99 Poems, Autumn 2012, online np; this poem is collected in my unpublished book New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold;
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