GALAXY: INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINE RESEARCH JOURNAL, a poem, Rending Mouths, Vol.4, Issue IV, July 2015, p.164.
Poem revised and collected in New and Selected Poems: Bones Molder, Words Hold, coming from Duck Lake Books.
GLINT Literary Journal, photo, WA 200-1 SR 20 Private but not Forgotten, Issue 2, 2011, online np. LINK:
GLINT Literary Journal, 3 photos, Argentina 623 Buenos Airies, Caminito; Argentina 628 Buenos Airies, Caminito; Argentina 630-1 Buenos Airies, Caminito; Issue 6, Fall 2015 online. LINK:
Glint Literary Journal, 2 photos, OR 12-1 Clackamas titled Shadows and Gear, and OR 14/-1 Portland titled Thirst? No Wait, accepted 6/27/19; posted 12/27/19;
GLOOM CUPBOARD, poem, The Journal Poetry #129, December 12, 2010, online np. Collected in The Journal, from Duck Lake Books. Magazine LINK: Literary Journal, photo, WA 200-1 SR 20 Private but not Forgotten, Issue 2, 2011, online np. LINK:
GLINT Literary Journal, 3 photos, Argentina 623 Buenos Airies, Caminito; Argentina 628 Buenos Airies, Caminito; Argentina 630-1 Buenos Airies, Caminito; Issue 6, Fall 2015 online. LINK:
Glint Literary Journal, 2 photos, OR 12-1 Clackamas titled Shadows and Gear, and OR 14/-1 Portland titled Thirst? No Wait, accepted 6/27/19; posted 12/27/19;
GNU JOURNAL, poem, Our Women Sing, Winter Poetry Issue 2017, online np. Collected in my unpublished book Voices beneath the Winds, seeking a publisher. PDF LINK:
GONE SOFT, poem, Light Under Branching Trees, Vol.2, #4, Spring 1977, p59, print Collected in my book Beautiful Agitation, from Red Ochre Press, 2012, now defunct. Reprinted by and on Amazon;
GRAVEL, 5 photos, OR 226-3 US 101 Astoria; OR 75 US 101; WA 138-2 nr Coulee City; WA 77-2 SR 20 nr Okanogan; WA 81-1 US 195 nr Pullman, April 2016, online np. LINK:
Gravel, 2 photos, All in Mex Pict8-1 and NV 380-2, accepted 2/6/19; Magazine went defunct, posted here 7/12/20:
Greensilk Journal, Photo Dreams at Thanksgiving, a poem accepted, 10/15/18; posted October 2018, online np
GREY SPARROW, 3 photos, Iceland 154-1 Southern Round; Iceland 518-1 NW Fjords; WA 68-1 SR 4, Winter 2012, pp101-102 print.
GYROSCOPE REVIEW, poem, My Dear, Issue 16-4, Fall 2016, p.8. LINK:
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